
Alleviating Headaches Naturally

Headaches are an alarm signal of the body. They are often due to too much  physical or psychological stress. Depending on where and how the headache occurs, one can categorise them into tension headaches, simple headaches, combination headaches or migraines. The causes can be varied, eg. infectious diseases, muscular tensions in the head, neck and shoulder areas, over-indulgence of alcohol and nicotine, dilated blood vessels in the brain, food allergies or sensitivities and sensitivity to weather changes. An especially intensive form of headaches are migraines, which are accompanied by vision disturbances (auras) and nausea. Medication should be avoided as far as possible, as natural remedies can help just as effectively to remove or improve the pain. The most successful treatments consist of therapeutic reflexology, relaxation exercises, massages, herbal poultices and compresses, exercising in fresh air, water therapy (hot & cold), improving nutrition, checking for allergies (eg: food)  and homoeopathic remedies.

Here is a list of effective self-help tips:

Aromatherapy Bath:

Run a warm bath. Use cream or honey as an emulsion and mix in 3 drops each of the following essential oils: lavender, rosemary and chamomile. Add this mixture to the bath water. The oils have a calming effect and regulate  tension in the blood vessels.

Relaxation & Sensory Deprivation

Ensure a quiet, calming surrounding. Air your room. Darken your room. Eliminate any noise or put cotton wool in your ears. Consciously practice deep relaxation, if possible with the help of autogenic training or yoga relaxation.


Rub your ear lobes strongly. Then press your thumb and index finger against the bridge of the nose in the corners of the eyes.

Foot Bath with Increasing Temperature

Place your feet in a basin filled with water at 35 degrees C. Every 5 minutes add hot water, until the temperature reaches 45 degrees C. Leave your feet in for another 5 minutes, then add cold water, until it feels luke warm. Dry your feet and put on woollen socks and lie down for 20 minutes. This way the increased blood circulation in the brain is channelled into the feet.

Homoeopathic Pain Remedies

Homoeopathy treats headaches depending on the type and symptom of the pain. Stinging headaches are treated with Apis D6, pounding headaches with Belladonna D6 and dull headaches with Ruta D6. Chamomilla D6 is calming and therefore also pain relieving.

Fast Help with Coffee & Lemon

An old folk remedy can work very quickly: Add a few drops of lemon to a cup of black coffee and slowly drink it with small sips. Caution: do not use if you have a sensitive stomach.


Cooling Compress:

Wet a cloth with cold water, add 2 drops peppermint oil and place on area of pain for about 15 minutes.

Mashed Potato Compress:

A compress made with mashed potatoes relieves tensions in the neck area. Boil 500 g potatoes in their skins, mash and place on a linen cloth. Place onto neck area as hot as you can take it and leave until it has cooled down, approx. 15 minutes.

Horseradish Compress:

Grate a piece of horseradish and add 2 tablespoons water. Spread on a cloth and place in the neck area. Leave for no longer than 5 minutes. If you have sensitive skin, rub some cream on the skin first. The strong irritation of the skin can relieve the headache.



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